“LEAVING ON A JET PLANE ” By Alexei Geronimo


By Rock The Ballet’s Alexei Geronimo


I am so grateful to be apart of the International dancecompany “Bad Boys of Dance” and their hit show “Rock the Ballet” which has sored through thousands of audiences across the globe.  It is a highly technical and athletic show that infuses different styles of dance and music from ballet, jazz, acrobatics, and contemporary to hip hop, b boy, and funk with the main background of ballet and contemporary dance.

I started out with the company in the summer of 2009 and since then we have toured thoughout UK, Germany, Switzerland, France,  Scandinavia, Spain, Italy, Greece, Australia, and even parts of Asia. The show consists of 5 core boys, 1 male lead, and 1 female lead and is usually double casted. Each dancer is versatile and technically strong but everyone has a different style and strength to offer. Some of the most versatile boys across North America make up this company and its so inspiring to dance alongside such talent. Being in this kind of environment really pushes you to be stronger. Seeing different parts of the world and cultures has definitely changed me in so many ways and I have grown so much as an artist and person. The company is directed by Rasta Thomas and choreographed by his wife Adrienne Canterna. They are highly respected stars in the dance world.  The company is structured by a couple weeks of rehearsals in Maryland to learn the show followed by daily ballet classwhich then travels to the first city of tour. I enjoyed the fact that we had a full daily warm up before the show (usually ballet class) to keep our bodies in shape because that is not always the case with shows and that is something that I value as a dancer.

I have had the honor to perform in some of the most beautiful theaters in the world!. International television shows include ” international tv shows like fama and 3 sat german tv
shows and engagements such as the rainforest benefit and for Elton John at “The Rainforest Benefit at Carnegie Hall.” To be in the prescence of other famous artists such as Sting, Lady Gaga, and Mary J. Blige was one of the most memorable experiences with the company. One of my favourite cities was Edinburgh Scotland. It had such a modern city feel with a historic background. Climbing Arthurs Seat at nightand watching the sunrise and the beautiful rivers that surrounded it was a moment I will never forget. It was like opening a fairytale book and jumping in it. Being a part of the company was like a home base for me, it allows for male dancers like myself to be in their element and show the world their talent. The company is now on tour with a new show and creating another new show “Romeo and Juliet” scheduled to premier in the summer time. I recently performed in Vancouver with the show in Nov/Dec and I was beyond thrilled to show my hometown what I have been apart of for the past 3 years.


Alexei Geronimo

Blog made possible by Impact Dance Productions


@IMPACTDancePro http://www.daniellelgardner.com

Confessions from an Audition by Alexandra Crenian

This Tuesday  Impact Dance Productions is featuring a blog post by Toronto based dancer and choreographer Alexandra Crenian! She has worked in the dance industry for many years and has great knowledge of the audition process. Alexandra crushes her competition by not only being fierce but also by being humble, which has lead her to perform with idols such as the one and only Lady Gaga!

Confessions from an Audition by Alexandra Crenian


Let’s start with what happened…I walked in the door to the theatre and immediately asked one of the auditionees, “Could you tell me what room the casting is in?”  The Auditionee looked me up and down, put her hand on her hip, scoffed loudly and walked away, laughing (she was muttering some sort of rude sentence that I can’t even remember.)  Luckily, a happier, more polite human being showed me the correct room.  I can only assume that she thought I was a ‘competitor.’  Unfortunately for her, I was not only on the casting panel, I was also the choreographer.  Not only was it incredibly embarrassing for her when she realized her error, it was uncomfortable for everyone in the room who witnessed it.  Needless to say, she didn’t get the part.

        If that auditionee had truly believed in herself, she wouldn’t have felt the need to be rude, nor the need to compare herself to a stranger.  She had demonstrated a form of bullying to psych out her competition.  Not only can a bad attitude ruin your opportunities before you even get in the audition room, but it simultaneously lowers your own self-esteem.  There is no need to compare yourself to anyone else.  Chances are, even if you don’t book that particular job, you will at some point book something with other people in that very room.  If you are rude to everyone, no one will want to work alongside you.  When a person is hired for a job, they spend 8 or more hours a day with the same people.  No person would knowingly hire anyone who brings an air of negativity with them, that energy is contagious. It brings down the group.

How can a performer (or anyone) help themselves from becoming bitter and negative in professional situations? Work on yourself.  Don’t compare yourself to others, there are many qualified, talented people out there… someone else’s talent doesn’t discredit yours.  Truly confident, happy people are more willing to help others, collaborate and keep a positive energy in the room.  It’s such a small world, chances are if a person is hired once and represents themselves professionally, with a great attitude, they will continue to be hired by the same choreographer/director.  The goal shouldn’t be booking the one job, it should be creating a professional relationship by showcasing yourself and how you treat others well.  Thus ensuring you will be rehired in the future.  It is also important to realize, you never know who anyone is or who they’ll become: don’t judge them.  Most of the time, we aren’t aware of anyone’s story but our own.  The reality is everyone has had, or will have, multiple difficulties in their lifetime.  To feel like the universe owes you something because you’ve had a hard time will lead to disappointment.  Preparation, research and hard work is the key.  There is no short-cut.  The person you are competing against for a role today may end up being a person that hires you tomorrow, or vice versa.  Kindness and honesty is rare, but is very much appreciated and remembered.

Have hobbies outside of your career, when your art form becomes your income, you’ll need other outlets.  Reading, knitting, sewing, yoga, playing a musical instrument, writing… all of these are examples of  creative outlets that leave you feeling accomplished.  Staying committed to your goals, no matter how small (i.e. setting your alarm for a certain time, and actually waking up at that time) build your self confidence.  A personal favourite of mine, is to make lists: lists of goals, short and long term, grocery lists, to do lists.  The small act of crossing off what I’ve accomplished leaves me feeling exactly that, accomplished.

        The next time you’re at an audition, know that the only thing you have control over is yourself.  Your actions define who you are, how you feel about yourself, and how you regard others.  Remember the reason you love what you do and that we are truly fortunate to have the opportunity to do it.

Blog made possible by Danielle Gardner, Impact Dance Productions and Alexandra Crenien.

