
On behalf of all music lovers our staff at Impact Dance Productions would love to share a little piece of what we were fortunate to be a part of this past weekend at The SASQUATCH Music Festival in Washington.

We arrived on a Friday afternoon wind blown and ready to jam!!Come Monday we had encountered some of the most incredible artists which we would love to share with you!


Sasquatch 2013-Photo by Danielle Gardner of Impact Dance Productions


Bands to check out:

The XX (Top of our list for a reason!)

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis




Sigur Ros

Laid Back Luke

Capital Cities

Danny Brown

The Tallest Man On Earth


Mumford and sons

Imagine Dragons


The Lumineers

Steve Aoki


The postal service

To all artists needing inspiration or just want to jam to some good tunes check out the list above and better yet join us next year at Sasquatch 2014! We hope you take a listen to these amazing artists and are inspired by their words,beats and most of all creativity.


-Impact Dance Productions- 

Follow us : @IMPACTDancePro

Benefits of Naturopathic Medicine by Dr. Carol Lin

Message from Danielle Gardner- Founder & CEO of Impact Dance Productions.


“From the age of 3 to age 20 some may have said i was not the healthiest of beings. As a child i suffered through many illnesses and was a regular at the hospital. To say the least, all of the up’s and downs of being ill had taken its toll on my mind, body and soul. Being a professional dancer, teacher and choreographer at the time i was prone to feeling very low in energy and it was starting to show in my work… It felt as if i was surrounded by a dark cloud which had no intension of letting light in anytime soon.

An amazing opportunity arose and i was to move to Toronto and be a dancer on CTV’s hit t.v. show So You Think You Can Dance Canada! Knowing that i was to be putting in 12-14 hour days for upwards of 3-4 months i knew i had to make a change!. One of my best friends whom is currently studying naturopathic medicine at Boucher advised i look into a more natural approach. Best advice i have ever been given!

At first i must admit i thought the process was a little voodoo and far out there but after receiving dietary and health advice from Dr. Carol Y. Lin
a Naturopathic Physician at Radiant Natural Health Clinic in Vancouver B.C. my life has been nothing but positive and clear. Because of Dr.Lin i am now at the peak of my career and am the healthiest i have ever been. Your health is key in having a great life and i truly believe as dancers we need to be more invested in not only our outsides but also our insides.”

-Danielle Gardner-

Please take a read and let us know what you think! We hope you choose to learn more about naturopathic medicine and that it changes your life for the better.- Impact Dance Productions.

-A word from Dr. Carol Lin-

Naturopathy is a branch of medicine that takes a holistic approach in healing and wellness. Naturopathic medicine strongly favours a drug-free treatment since it is founded on the belief that nutrition, exercise, emotion well being and other natural factors are significant to the origin and cure of the illness. Naturopathic physicians work towards personalizing treatment programs to optimize an individual’s health. These programs can help with allergies, skin problems, digestive disorders, hormonal issues and stress, to name a few. The treatments may include exercise, diet and lifestyle changes, herbal medicines, physical therapies or nutritional medicines.
There are ways you could adapt in your daily life to optimize your physical, mental and spiritual health.  For your digestive tract health, chew your food well and do not drink anything while eating as it will decrease your body’s digestive enzymes production.  Include at least one serving of steamed or raw greens daily.  For your kidneys’ health, drink at least the equivalent of one third to one-half your body weight in ounces.  An example being a 150 pounds person would drink 50-75 ounces of water daily.  For the health of skin and the lymphatic system, do dry skin brushing by using very gentle, light, short frequent strokes toward the heart for 45-60 seconds before going to bed. As for the health of liver and immune system, castor oil packs to the abdomen should be done regularly.  Practice deep breathing daily by inhaling through the nose to fill the abdomen and lungs, and slowly exhale through the mouth to promote the health of the lungs. Sleep is important for memory and the balance of the hormonal system, every hour of sleep before midnight is worth two hours of sleep after midnight.  Move your muscles daily to aid circulation, walking, yoga, qi gong, cardio exercise, weights and stretching are all great ideas.  Always exercise within your own physical limits.  Fresh air daily helps clear the mind and get more oxygen into your body.  Finally, do something fun daily for laugher is the best medicine for stress management.
Dr. Carol Y. Lin
Naturopathic Physician 
Radiant Natural Health Clinic970 Burrard St MZ-1 @ Electra Health Floor
Vancouver, BC Canada V6Z 2R4
T: 604-685-4325   W: www.drcarollin.com
Blog Made possible by Danielle Gardner,Radiant Natural Health Clinic and Impact Dance Productions
Follow us on twitter @IMPACTDancePro

“LEAVING ON A JET PLANE ” By Alexei Geronimo


By Rock The Ballet’s Alexei Geronimo


I am so grateful to be apart of the International dancecompany “Bad Boys of Dance” and their hit show “Rock the Ballet” which has sored through thousands of audiences across the globe.  It is a highly technical and athletic show that infuses different styles of dance and music from ballet, jazz, acrobatics, and contemporary to hip hop, b boy, and funk with the main background of ballet and contemporary dance.

I started out with the company in the summer of 2009 and since then we have toured thoughout UK, Germany, Switzerland, France,  Scandinavia, Spain, Italy, Greece, Australia, and even parts of Asia. The show consists of 5 core boys, 1 male lead, and 1 female lead and is usually double casted. Each dancer is versatile and technically strong but everyone has a different style and strength to offer. Some of the most versatile boys across North America make up this company and its so inspiring to dance alongside such talent. Being in this kind of environment really pushes you to be stronger. Seeing different parts of the world and cultures has definitely changed me in so many ways and I have grown so much as an artist and person. The company is directed by Rasta Thomas and choreographed by his wife Adrienne Canterna. They are highly respected stars in the dance world.  The company is structured by a couple weeks of rehearsals in Maryland to learn the show followed by daily ballet classwhich then travels to the first city of tour. I enjoyed the fact that we had a full daily warm up before the show (usually ballet class) to keep our bodies in shape because that is not always the case with shows and that is something that I value as a dancer.

I have had the honor to perform in some of the most beautiful theaters in the world!. International television shows include ” international tv shows like fama and 3 sat german tv
shows and engagements such as the rainforest benefit and for Elton John at “The Rainforest Benefit at Carnegie Hall.” To be in the prescence of other famous artists such as Sting, Lady Gaga, and Mary J. Blige was one of the most memorable experiences with the company. One of my favourite cities was Edinburgh Scotland. It had such a modern city feel with a historic background. Climbing Arthurs Seat at nightand watching the sunrise and the beautiful rivers that surrounded it was a moment I will never forget. It was like opening a fairytale book and jumping in it. Being a part of the company was like a home base for me, it allows for male dancers like myself to be in their element and show the world their talent. The company is now on tour with a new show and creating another new show “Romeo and Juliet” scheduled to premier in the summer time. I recently performed in Vancouver with the show in Nov/Dec and I was beyond thrilled to show my hometown what I have been apart of for the past 3 years.


Alexei Geronimo

Blog made possible by Impact Dance Productions


@IMPACTDancePro http://www.daniellelgardner.com